Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Zygor Paladin Leveling Guide

WoW leveling is definitely not easy, it takes many players months to max out 1 character in world of warcraft. And I'm thinking you to are having a bit of trouble with leveling, which is what got you looking for a paladin leveling guide. I do not have a paladin guide to give you right now but I will help you find the best one.

And you really should be really careful with all the fraud leveling guides on the web, and there's a great deal of them. Nearly all wow leveling guides are totally worthless ebooks. By now you'll probably want to know which is the best wow leveling guide to use, and I will tell you in a sec, But before I do that I'm going to talk a bit about what you should avoid

Its best to avoid ebooks, as most are totally worthless, but I guess virtually all of you will already know that. And you really do need to make sure that if you get an add on that it complies with blizzards policies, the last thing you want is your wow account getting banned.

I only know of one paladin guide that wont get your account banned, and it just so happens to be the best leveling guide out. Its the same guide I used to level my paladin to 80, and it only took about 8 days. Its the zygor leveling guide, if you haven't already guessed. Its not just a paladin leveling guide by the way, any character can be leveled with this guide.

Theirs actually 2 zygor guides one horde leveling guide and one alliance leveling guide, you can use both for paladin leveling. Its a bit expensive but its well worth the cash, there's no paladin leveling guide the can compare with zygors guide.

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